Uimhir a h-Aon

Cur le líofacht Gaeilge na ndaltaí ár sprioc. Dá réir, ní mór do dhaltaí labhairt na Gaeilge a chleachtadh. Mar sin, is í an Ghaeilge an t-aon teanga a cheadáitear le linn an chúrsa.

Sí an Ghaeilge an teanga labhartha le linn an chursa.

Students are not allowed to speak English during the course. Students are continuously encouraged to speak Irish. Students who do not avail of this opportunity are dealt with in accordance with the procedures detailed in our Code of Conduct, a copy of which will be sent to each student.

 Uimhir a Dó

Cuirfear abhaile aon dalta a bhíonn droch-bhéasach, droch-iomprach, ná glacann le Cód Smachta an Choláiste.

The college authorities will punish misbehaviour, verbal or physical intimidation, intentional or otherwise, accordingly. Students who cause serious disruption, or who refuse to accept normal discipline, will be sent home.

Uimhir a Trí

Ni cheadáitear dul isteach i dtig tábhairne ar chúis ar bith, bheith fé thionchar alcóil nó drugaí eile. Ruaigfear as an gColáiste gach dalta a sháráionn na rialacha seo. Ni cheadáitear drugaí d’aon tsórt, alcól agus tobac san aíreamh, a chaitheamh le linn an Chúrsa.

Entry to a licensed premises, possession or comsumption or being under the infleuence of alcohol or other drugs is strictly forbidden to students on the course, as is smoking.

Uimhir a Ceathar

Tá cosc ar shuirí le linn an chúrsa.

Company keeping, during the course, is not allowed.

Uimhir a Cuig

Ní mór cead tuismitheora i scríbhinn a sholáthar d’udaráis an Choláiste má oireann do dhaltaí imeacht ón gColáiste le linn dóibh bheith ar an gcúrsa.

Students may not leave the college during the course without the permission of the authorities and the written permission of the parent/guardian.

Uimhir a Sé

Ní mór cead tuismitheora i scríbhinn a sholáthar d’udaráis an Choláiste más mian le dalta dul amach le cuairteoirí nach tuismitheoirí iad.

Students being taken out by people other than parents/guardian must furnish to the Coláiste authorities written parental permission.

Uimhir a Seacht

Cuirfear abhaile aon dalta a fhágann timpeallacht an Choláiste gan cead udaráis an Choláiste.

Students who leave their guest house or the vicinity of the college without permission will be sent home.

Uimhir a h-Ocht

Moltar do thuistí gan ligint le scoláirí rudaí luachmhara a thabhairt go dtí an Coláiste. Ní ghlacann an Coláiste freagracht as sealúchas na ndaltaí ar an gcúrsa.

Parents/Guardians are advised not to allow students bring items of value to the Coláiste. The Coláiste does not accept responsibility for student property lost, stolen or damaged during the course. Please bring a lockable suitcase or bag.

Uimhir a Naoi

Beidh ar thuismitheoir/chaomhnóir aon damáiste a dhéanann dalta leo a chúiteamh.

Parents/Guardians will meet the cost of any breakages or damage caused by students while on the course.

Uimhir a Deich

Tá cead fón póca a thabhairt agus a úsáid ag amanta áirithe ach tá cosc iomlan ar ipods nó aon ghléas atá cumas taifid a dhéanamh.

Mobile phones are permissible at specific periods but I-pods, I-pads or any similar recording devices are strictly prohibited.

PLEASE NOTE: The H.S.E. advises parents/guardians that children must be vaccinated for MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) and MenC prior to attendance.

Parents should be aware that ‘Pupil Personal Accident Insurance’ is available through your schools.  Students with the 24 Hour option are covered for accidents that might occur in Coláiste na Mumhan, that may not, otherwise, be covered.

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