Cúrsa don Scrúdú Béil 2013

Bhí toradh iontach ar an gcúrsa nua seo. Bhí na daltai an- thógtha leis na teagascóirí agus an obair a déanadh. Beimid ag súil le cúrsaí eile a chur ar siúl don scrúdú béil 2014. Bí ag faire amach do dhátaí anseo. Go n-eirí an t-adh leis na scoláirí a bhí linn sa scrúdú i mbliana.

Our new course for the Leaving Cert Oral Irish was a resounding success. The students received top class tuition and tips as well as opportunities to try out their techniques in one to one sessions. Keep an eye out for new dates to prepare for the 2014 Oral Irish exams. Best of luck to all in the exam.

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